Tuesday, 24 February 2009

Snow Sestina

Introduction: This is a form in which the end words in each line form a sytematic pattern for each verse - see Wikipedia.

Overnight the north wind changed our world to white
No buses, no bin men, no cars on the road
Its 12 inches thick this beautiful snow
It covers roofs, roads and trees it’s a tranquil scene
Life has ground to a halt – there is even no school
Let’s go for a walk and take some photos

The BBC received a record numbers of photos
As we show off our beautiful world in white
Kids go sledging, more fun than school
Feet make a channel as they trudge down the road
The downs are transformed into an alpine scene
They are even skiing and snowboarding in the freak fall of snow

Its 18 years since we’ve had this much snow
The snow on the Acer makes a stunning photo
Wherever you look it’s a Christmas card scene
With buildings and landscape all iced in white
A snow plough made waves of snow by our road
Day two, minus six and there’s still no school

Free from homework, routine and school
They spend all day sledging in the snow
Then trudge wearily back down the road
A press photographer was on the slopes taking photos
To be a centrefold in black and white
Hats, scarves and sledges in a Dickensian Scene

Stoke Park is a weird Arctic scene
Kids have been building instead of going to school
They've made igloos and candle-lit towers of white
Fantastic constructions just made out of snow
My desktop is now my best snow photo
Traffic is starting to creep along the road

Wet boots, soggy clothes as they return down our road
The laundry room is a depressing scene
Piles of washing - not a pretty photo
I think they’re ready to return to school
They’re beginning to tire of playing in the snow
Getting cold and hungry - pinched faces all white

Relief - we have reached the end of the white road
Our snow scene is washing away in the rain
School is open and sledging photos are in local paper

Wednesday, 4 February 2009

Poem commended

Just heard today that my poem Sad Rock http://write-track.blogspot.com/2008/12/sad-rock.html has been commended by Writers' Forum Magazine and I will be named in the April issue. How exciting for my first competiton entry!

Sunday, 1 February 2009

Porridge, pancakes and packed lunches

It’s 7.00 o’clock in the morning
And outside it’s still very dark
It’s just a normal school day
So get up, get dressed and start

“Hello cat, you’re next I promise”
Boys’ breakfasts first then you
Put a large pan full of porridge
On the gas to start heating through

Begin to empty the dishwasher
The bottom rack of pans and plates
Stir porridge; get juice, “Meeeow”
“Oh cat, I’m sorry you’ll just have to wait”

Dish up and shout “porridge is ready”
Get out scales to weigh food for the cat
Such a pain to be measuring his rations
But the vet said “this cat’s getting fat”

Back to dishwasher, start on the cutlery
When the bread maker sounds a beep beep
Mmm the smell of fresh bread is delicious
All done automatically while we’re asleep

Take out loaf, now it’s time for the pancakes
Whisk up flour, eggs and milk in a jug
While the batter cooks on the first side
Return to dishwasher – bowls, glasses and mugs

The pancake is sizzling nicely
Toss it? I’m just not that brave!
I flip it with the aid of a spatula
And flop it out on a plate

Take a deep breath of fresh morning air
As I lob bottles and tins into crates
I’m fanatical about the recycling
I hope the neighbours are already awake!

Fill sink to wash up lunch boxes
No one remembers the day before
Attack fresh bread with electric carver
No mere knife, it’s my kitchen chain saw

“Where’s my tie?” “Where you left it.”
“PE kit?" "Airing cupboard - it’s clean”
Leave the boys to make their own lunches
Back outside to empty compost bin

Take off lid and chuck in the peelings
See the level's gone down quite a lot
It’s clever how those worms, bugs and beasties
Turn our waste into dark dry compost

Back in doors I sign papers and planners
Say goodbye to the boys as they go
It feels like ten but its only 8.20
And the rest of the day is my own!