Sunday, 21 December 2008

Santa's Slip

A huge bumpy bulging Christmas stocking awaited two year old Luke on Christmas morning. Installing himself in the middle of his parents’ bed, he ripped open the wrappings with glee while they watched with expressions of adoring satisfaction.

Later that day, at Grandma’s house, Luke excitedly told his big cousin, Matt, about his haul. “So what did your mum and dad give you?” enquired Matt amazed. “Nothing” was the matter-of-fact reply. Overhearing this, Luke's naive parents felt as dismissed as a Christmas tree on twelfth night, but consoled themselves that they were no longer Santa virgins.

Saturday, 20 December 2008

Sad Rock

On stage you’re cool.
I’m proud but sad
I look at you
but see my dad

He died too young
Four times your age
Played drums, wrote songs
Enjoyed the stage

Your solo’s great
I watch you play
He would’ve loved
to see today

And see his grandson
play like a pro
You never met him
You’ll never know

Tuesday, 16 December 2008

A life in the year of a tree

Think its hard to write a short story? Try writing one in 100 words!

A life in the year of a tree

The leaf buds were bursting on the knobbly old oak tree as I opened the card: “Congratulations, from proud new grandparents.”

Phew it was hot in the summer - we lived outside under the tree. Painting "my family" smudgy pictures in the dappled shade.

Friends helped sweep leaves. Bonfire and fireworks, soup and toffee; last sleepover outside: “Adults keep out”. You came inside when it got too chilly!

A ring tone jarred as snow settled silently on the branches, and smouldering logs filled the house with a sweet smoky smell. “Hi mum, b home from uni b4 xmas eve, lol.”

Fibonacci Poems

What they lack in rhythm, they make up for in a mathematical pattern that has intrigued me since I found out about Fibonacci numbers occurring in sunflowers and trees and leaves and pine cones.

The search for the golden fib:

Here's mine:

My cat
Shiny eyes
Fight scarred frayed right ear
And tail that tells me what he wants


Read about these on cybermuse and have been fascinated. Find out about them at

Link to my hyperstory will follow shortly.

Monday, 1 December 2008


I like this word; A non-running colleague said she thought "Fun run" was an oxymoron. Today I heard on the news that Barack Obama is appointing a "team of rivals" which struck me as being oxymoronic. Have you got any good examples to leave in comments?